Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Last Lecture

"If you were going to disappear tomorrow, what would you leave as your legacy?".

"What would you leave behind for people to remember you with?".

"How would you have people remember you?".
'The LAST LECTURE' is the 'legacy' of Carnegie Mellon Professor, Randy Pausch, a computer science professor who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
We often take life for granted, never considering (or rather always avoiding) the fact that our time is undetermined.
Who is there to say that we will live for another 20, 30, 40 years, or any other amount of time?
Who can say that they will not die tomorrow? or even in a few moments? Sudden death is exactly as the name implies - sudden, and unexpected. There does not have to be a cause. Even the most healthy, fit and happy person can suddenly just...go.
Accidents are not planned (hence the name). Who can say that they will not have the luck of meeting a drunk driver on the road, and suffer the damned devils stupidity? We may play safe as much as we want (and we should!), but who can control what others do?
Make preparations NOW. Don't wait, because you may not have that much time after all.
A reminder for myself mostly...also for everyone that will accept it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My books

My book list
1. Sahih Bukhari
2. Hadith empat puluh(versi tulisan jawi)
3. Apa ertinya saya menganut Islam, Ustaz Fathi Yakan
4. Al-Munabbihat(The council)
5. Gerakan Islam Hasan al-Banna: kepastian amal Islami menurut Hasan al-Banna, Dr Hazin Farrukh
6. Kepimpinan dalam pergerakan Islam, Musthafa Muhammad Thahhan
7. Rukun Bai’at & usrah, al-Imam as-Syahid Hasan al-Banna
8. Tautan hati, Fatimah Syarha
9. Duhai teman sejatiku, Fatimah Syarha
10. Panduan Solat Taubat, Syahrin Jasah
11. Himpunan Risalah Hasan al-Banna
12. The Islamic way of life, Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi
13. Petunjuk sepanjang jalan, Syed Qutb
14. Al-Ubudiyah, Syaikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyah
15. Fundamentals of Islam, Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi
16. Fiqh keutamaan, Yusuf Qardhawi
17. Memahami prinsip-prinsip amal Islami, Sa’id Hawwa
18. Munajat di jalan da’wah, Mustafa Masyhur
19. ABC memahami aktiviti gerakan Islam, Ustaz Fathi Yakan
20. 10 Langkah memantapkan perjuangan Islam, Sa’id Hawwa
21. A guide for youth, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
22. Rancangan tentera Allah, Sa’id Hawwa
23. The international Jew, Henry Ford Sr
24. Protokol-protokol mesyuarat para pemimpin ilmuan zionis

I can lend no.1 to no.12 for an extended period, but as no.13 to no.24 are actually the property of the family library(they're old and very precious, and i'll be returning them come next break in april), I can only lend them for a few days, and only until I go to tampin on 15 february.

however, no.13 to no.24 can be booked and borrowed for an extended period by 'pelaga-pelaga lutut' kelab-kelab laga lutut yang bersekutu dan bersekongkol dgn perpustakaan zubir, a'watif dan anak-anak.

happy reading

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My e-Books

1. Al-Muntalaq, Muhammad Ahmad ar-Rasyid
2. The Declaration of Faith, Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan
3. Fasting and its rulings, Shaikh Abu Haatim Usaamah ibn abdul lateef al-Qoosee
4. Fiqh Dakwah dalam al-quran, Muhammad Haniff Hassan
5. Fiqh-us-sunnah, Sayyid Saabiq
6. Fourty hadeeth qudsi
7. ‘Gift for women’
8. Tafsir ibn kathir
9. Ikhwanul Muslimin: deskripsi, jawapan, tuduhan, dan harapan, Syaikh Jasim Muhalhil
10. General Introduction to Islam, Shaikh Ali al-Tantawi
11. Jalan Dakwah, Mustafa Masyhur
12. Kearah Mana Kita Menyeru Manusia, Hasan al-Banna
13. Pendidikan Islam dan Madrasah Hasan al-Banna
14. Marriage
15. Menghafal al-Quran, yusuf al-Qardhawi
16. Menuju ketaqwaan, Abdullah nasih ulwan
17. Method pemikiran hasan al-Banna: antara tetap dan berubah, Dr jumaah amin
18. Muatta’, Imam Malik
19. Sahih Muslim
20. Fourty Hadeeth, Imam Nawawi
21. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH from A to Z, Yusuf Estes
22. The book of miscellany
23. Syarah Usul 20, Muhammad Abdullah al-Khatib
24. The Muslims belief, Shaikh Muhammad as-Saleh Al-'Uthaimin
25. Why were we created?, Bilal Philips

Akhlaq Para Penda'wah

Buku tulisan Ulama Islam Abdullah Nasih Ulwan. Khas ditulis untuk mereka yang ‘memutuskan niat dan azam bahawa mereka akan menjadi orang-orang yang bertaqwa dan juga orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan serta menjadi para du’at yang terpilih’.

Jiwa-jiwa yang meyakini janji Allah SWT dan memutuskan untuk mewaqafkan diri, harta, masa dan segala apa yang mereka miliki untuk mewarisi kerja Rasulullah SAW dan para rasul sebelum baginda; para du’at inilah orang-orang yang paling layak dan paling perlu untuk memiliki akhlaq yang terbaik.

Untuk membentuk diri dengan akhlaq Rasulullah dan para sahabat baginda, memerlukan sebuah institusi pendidikan(tarbiyyah) yang mana para du’at perlu memasukinya, mengikuti kelas-kelasnya dan aktiviti-aktiviti serta ujian periksanya. Rasulullah sendiri telah dididik oleh Allah SWT:

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

“Tuhanku telah mendidik aku beradab dengan semulia-mulia adabku”

[Diriwayatka oleh al-Ashari dan Ibn as-Sam’ani]

Kemudiannya baginda pula telah mendidik para sahabat awal di rumah al-Arqam bin abi al-Arqam. Begitulah seterusnya sahabat telah mendidik para tabi’in, mereka pula mendidik para tabi’ tabi’in. Maka para penda’wah di zaman ini dan di setiap zaman juga memerlukan didikan di institusi yang robbani dan tersusun rapi.

Buku kecil dan mudah ini adalah sebahagian daripada sistem pendidikan ini yang membentuk para du’at. Dengan membawa contoh akhlaq Rasulullah dan para sahabat baginda, serta menggunakan bahasa yang lembut dan mendidik, penulis menerapkan akhlaq-akhlaq yang mesti ada pada seorang du’at dan pada masa yang sama membuang sifat-sifat buruk yang tidak layak bagi mereka yang menyeru kepada Islam. Akhlaq yang selayaknya ada pada seorang du’at adalah:

1. Siddiq(benar)
2. Amanah
3. Hilm(lemah-lembut)
4. Tawadhu’(rendah diri)
5. Al-Karm(kemuliaan)
6. Belas kasihan
7. Sabar

Semoga para du’at ilallah dapat membentuk diri mereka mempunyai sifat-sifat ini, terutamanya bagi diri ana sendiri.
Semoga Allah memelihara antum daripada godaan syaitan dan nafsu, daripada tarikan dunia yang mengasyikkan...
Semoga Allah menguatkan keyakinan antum dan member kejayaan kepada antum samada tercapainya perancangan kemenangan Islam atau tercapainya cita-cita menemui syahid.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Manhaj Robbani

Why should muslims be united in one brotherhood? (caring only about our own affairs is much easier) Why must muslim women don the headscarf and wear loose clothes? (how are women supposed to get married if they can't attract men? I mean...skimpy dresses that will even allow a diseased stray dog on the road side to mind rape you does increase your chances don't they?).

In this simple to understand and concise book, the muslim scholar Dr. Muhammad Sa'id Ramadhani al-Buthy explains the answers to these questions and more.

The book Manhaj Robbani explains to us the reasons why Allah Most Great has decreed certain guidelines for humanity to follow, the benefits we gain from following them, and the stupidity we are incurring upon ourselves by not heeding them.

A person is given a pencil. He is told to write with it(obviously thats what we make pencils for). But instead of writing with it, this nutcase decides to swallow the pencil(stupid huh). Well if this guy's lucky the pencil will just SSSCRAPE the lining of his throat and leave it at that. I'm sure thats pretty painful, but it's relatively a breeze. If he's less lucky and the pencil gets into his stomach, punches a hole through and causes all his stomach contents to pour out...what happens is what doctors call peritonitis. It's just a fancy Greek word doctors like to use to look cool which just means irritation of the peritoneum(the layer that covers the outer surface of our organs and abdominal cavity). Now this is painful.

See how moronic it is to use something against the purpose of its creation? You should understand better if you've had the good grace of getting peritonitis before. Thats the kind of thing we're actually doing by leading life not according to the guidelines of life, given by the Creator of Life.

Physics of the Impossible

Force fields, Psychokinesis, faster than light travel, precognition...the stuff of science fiction, or is there scientific basis for them?

A magnificent journey through a world where the line between science fiction and science is blurred.

Written by reknown physicist Michio Kaku, Physics of the Impossible explores the science behind things we once thought only belonged to the realm of science fiction novels, based more on imagination than fact.

An interesting read overall. The class one impossibilities(those that we may achieve in the next century or so) were very mind stimulating. Well...they are the most closely earth bound. The science is relatively fundamental and involves the least amount of theoretical physics which itself is more science fiction as it is real life science (no offence to theoretical physicists. I'm actually fascinated by this branch of science myself - I have quite some imaginative capabilities too). It includes Force fields, invisibility cloaking devices, death stars(!?), teleportation, telepathy, psychokinesis, robots, ETs and UFOs(!?), starships, and anti matter and anti-universes.

Cool huh. The anticipation of actually seeing those things. It would be better if I could actually be involved in bringing them about. As long as death stars don't fall into the hand of zionist terrorists or their american lap dog. That would spell the end of the world.

The class two and threes are a bit further in the realm of the impossible, including impossible to comprehend. The two most commonly repeated words in these chapters are 'presume' and 'speculate'.

It shows how little we actually know of...everything, and more importantly - how small we are in comparison to the creation of the universe, its running and its sustenance.

All Praise to Allah, Lord, Creator and Sustainer of the Earth and the Heavens, and all within and beyond.